Major Locales of the Titan I Complex


This is a log of changes and updates to the web site listed in descending order from newest to oldest.  This site is very much a Work in Progress and my work on it is ever on-going though updates may be slow.

If you are looking for what's new, you've come to the right place!  Links are provided to updated material when applicable, and postings are organized by date.  Check back often, you never know when I'll add something new!

Site Updates 2020

Sorry, there were no updates in 2020

** Written in 2022 **

Under Siege

From all sides

A series of misfortunes both from the pandemic and events among family and friends would see 2020 as the worst year I'd experienced in decades.


Loss of family and friends to the virus along with other serious health concerns of my parents, combined with an ominous personal health issue of my own made for an awful year.


In avoiding the doctors' office over reluctance to go out in public, I had been neglecting possible symptoms of cancer for nearly a year.


Finally, with my symptoms not improving and in fact, worsening, I went to my doctor to see what was going on with me.


It was with great relief that I was to be informed that my troubles were not cancer, but likely allergies.


Whew! Now I can go back to just worrying about everything else. Unfortunately, there were plenty of other concerns to occupy me for some time. The website remained on the back burner.

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