Major Locales of the Titan I Complex


This is a log of changes and updates to the web site listed in descending order from newest to oldest.  This site is very much a Work in Progress and my work on it is ever on-going though updates may be slow.

If you are looking for what's new, you've come to the right place!  Links are provided to updated material when applicable, and postings are organized by date.  Check back often, you never know when I'll add something new!

Site Updates 2015

Sorry, there were no updates in 2015

A terribly busy year

2015 saw no outward progress on the web site, but rest assured, work continued on projects even so. A site redesign, hindered by my lack of design and coding experience, coupled with the uncoordinated and unpredicatable progress of web browsers to provide a coherent and simple solution to the evolving world of internet access has certainly slowed me down.


At the same time other projects related to the Titan I were underway but far from ready to publish.


When I stopped to look around, the entire year had fallen behind me. Now as I write this in 2016, I am preparing to make a new update very soon indeed.


Please check back soon.


-Groundskeeper Pete

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