12/14/2007 - Missile Silo Section Part VII Completed
Silos section Part VII is complete
and Part VIII will soon follow
with more cribwork photos. Good news for those of you who
find the cribwork interesting. Bad news for those who do
not. :P
- Missile Silo Section Part VI Completed
Silos section Part VI is complete
and Part VII will continue
exploring the silo cribwork. Part VI is the largest section
in the entire web site in terms of file size. I hope that
this will not prove to be too much of a detraction as the images
may take a while to load.
stand by for future updates.
- Correction to Missile Silo Section Parts IV and V
I go screwing up again. I have corrected errors in Missile
Silo sections Part IV and Part
V. I will have to stop drinking so much while I author
these pages!
I trusted my memory to recall what a piece of hardware in the silo
was and it was completely wrong! I was saying that the
mounting points for the launcher elevator motor platform spring
assemblies were instead for the massive wire ropes to the launcher
elevator system. That'll learn me to trust my mind. You see,
when you get to be my age, the mind starts to fail in little ways
like this...
- Missile Silo Section Part V Completed
Missile Silos section
Part V completed. Stand by
for the inevitable section VI
where we take a rare look at the silo cribwork.
- Missile Silo Section Part IV Completed (finally)
Completed Missile Silos section
Part IV at long last. My
apologies for the long wait. My apologies in advance for the
long time it will undoubtedly take me to complete sections V, IV
and VII (yes there will be at least 7 sections).
will begin work on section V shortly, though I may take a break
from the missile silos to work on some of the many other sections
awaiting completion just to break up the monotony. :)
- Correction to Missile Silo Section Part I
the caption to the 6th image in the Missile Silos section Part
I that erroneously designated a LOX vent and relief line
as a LOX fill line-- quite different animals.
bad. Well, I guess they are all my bads really.
Thanks to a helpful visitor for setting the record straight!
In fact, he has noted a few other items that need addressing as
always, if you see something wrong and feel confident that an
error, boo boo or even outright B.S. may be present, please
don't hesitate to contact me.
- Section Updates!
noticed that I had uploaded Missile Silos section Part
IV and forget to include most of the images. Sorry about
that. They are now up and the section is still in the works
though it has expanded. Look for its completion in the next
week. Missile Silos section Part
V will follow shortly and if you can believe it, there will be
more after that as well.
just be glad you can skip over stuff that doesn't interest
you. I am including section IV and V for completeness and
because I risked by life to get those lousy pictures!
- Section Updates!
an actual update! After months of jack, I am pleased to have
some new content for you good folks who have been waiting for me
to get something done around here.
Missile Silos sections Part I and Part
II are now complete and Part III
is taking shape. Please check back soon for further updates
as I will be continuing work through this next week on more
content to the Missile Silos sections. I hope you will enjoy
the new stuff.
- Another Embarrassing Error Fixed
a line of complete and utter BS, a paragraph in the Fuel
Terminal section stated erroneously that the Titan I airframe
was pressurized like the early Atlas airframes to provide enough
stability. This was not the case as the Titan I airframes
were self-supporting and could stand without fuel, oxidizer or
pressurizing gases.
error had persisted since about 2003 when I first wrote that
section in my ill-informed state. Fred Epler pointed out the
error of my ways well over a year ago and I forgot to correct
it. Fortunately, some good folks on the missiletalk group
brought this issue to my attention once again and now I have
removed the unsightly misinformation.
- New Section Added!
ago I created a 3D map of a typical Lowry AFB Titan I operational
complex using game mapping software. This new section shows
what I spent WAY too much time working to produce: A fun
diversion that I thought deserved to be included here.
model section contains many images of the 3D Titan I complex as
well as real photos for comparison and even some videos that allow
you to virtually visit a Titan I complex (somewhat simplified
however). I broke the section up into 3 pages so you won't
spend all day waiting for it to load: Titan
Model Part I, Titan Model Part 2,
Titan Model Part 3.
- Error Expunged!
a glaring error
in the Missile Silos
section. I had included a Titan II silo shot-- a very
noticeably different silo launch configuration-- by mistake.
have been due to a lack of sleep or something. Either that
or I need to give up the sauce!
thanks to Fred for pointing out the error. If anyone sees
any errors, please contact me and let me
know so I can work to keep things accurate around here.
- Section Update!
Missile Silos section with
additional text and images-- still not completed yet
however. Tweaked menus and added the Updates page so you can
read these exciting notes!
- Titan I Epitaph Official Opening
years of diddling around, the site is up!