The site update effort continues, but falters again...
The doldrums
Progress on the site update slowed and at times stopped for months. Technical issues I could not surmount relating to the absolute need in this age for web sites to implement responsive design held up the whole project. This has proven to be such a sticking point that ultimately the notion of such a concept as part of the site may be discarded, leaving mobile devices to figure it out on their own.
By this time, trouble with responsive design had already caused a delay of 2 years or more, during which nothing was updated. I hadn't given up yet, but each failed attempt would see me setting the project aside for a month or 2 before coming back.
In the middle of it all, browser changes would cause other issues that would also need to be adressed and distracting me from the other work.
Several other approaches to the problem were tried, but there was always some small hitch preventing forward progress. Once again, the new year would come and go without a rollout of the new site.
It was about this time I began receiving emails gently inquiring if I was "still around" from folks who rightly wondered if my number had come up.